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S'armer de blessures

Mont-Royal, Montréal
Longueur 20 m.
Photo Marie-Noëlle Côté

La fonction de l’artiste est ainsi fort claire: il doit ouvrir un atelier et y prendre en réparation le monde, par fragments, comme il lui vient.</1> -Francis Ponge, MÉTHODES

S’armer de blessure(s)
(Comment) tout dire en un mot?
La mise en terre de la blessure
- Mais s’agit-il vraiment de cela?-
Agit comme le masque:
Elle révèle tout autant qu’elle cache.
Je cherche quelque chose d’enfoui
C’est mon corps qui affleure
Entrouvrir la brèche

André Du Bois

Artefact 2004

S’armer de blessures

<i>The role of the artist is very clear then : he should open a studio and take in the world, repairing it bit by bit, as it comes to him.
Francis Ponge, Méthodes

Arming oneself with wounds
(How) to say it all in one word?
Burying the wound in the earth- But is this really what it’s about?-
Acting like a mask :
It reveals as much as it conceals.
I am looking for something buried
It is my body that comes to the surface
Half opening the gap
Slashing the belly

André Du Bois 2004


The gatherer and the surgeon

André Du Bois draws in the landscape using elements borrowing from it : the same landscape or another, because the artist enjoys subverting the relatedness of spaces. Over the years, this sculptor who recuperates has become a virtuoso of primitive constructions in which there are a few elementary but very contemporary concepts such as fragility,balance,transformation, a mixture of order and the arbitary in the articulation of a language, the…in situ sculpture.  On the montain, right beside a pile of large stones is an artifact with a « lyricism » that could suggest the climate of the 1964 Symposium. André Du Bois simply made an incision similar to a line engraving or even a line written on the landscape, only one…

Gilles Daigneault


S’armer de blessures

Chez Du Bois, la terre offre plus qu’une représentation paysagère.  La terre est le modèle, le matériau, la sculpture.  Du Bois a incisé le terrain. Creuser, pelleter, désincruster les roches, creuser encore… On pense aux outils maintes fois plus lourds et plus « sonores » de Smithson. L’entaille, ici, est de taille réconfortante, faille quasi naturelle, assez restreinte pour servir de cocon. S’inscrire au cœur des sillons, miroir de tous nos manques, refuge. L’artiste s’y est-il étendu? Des promeneurs y ont fait halte, se lovant dans la niche offerte.

For Du Bois the montain represented more than a landscape garden.
The land was the model, the material and the sculpture. Du Bois made an incision in the earth : he dug, shovelled, removed the rocks and dug some more… Think of Smiyhsin’s tools that werw so much heavier, so much « resonant . » The cut here was a conforting size, almost a natural rift, narrow enough to have served as a cocoon. Itl ay within the furrows, as mirror of all our failings, a refuge.  Has the artist been understood? Visitors made a stop, coiling up in the recess.

Élisabeth Recurt

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